Address: Beijing, China
[2024-02-26] One paper on semi-supervised learning is accepted by CVPR 2024.
[2023-06-12] We won the 1st place of Panoptic Segmentation & 1st place of Semantic Segmentation in the ACDC Workshop, CVPR 2023.
[2023-06-09] We won the 3rd place of Video Panoptic Segmentation in the 2nd PVUW Workshop, CVPR 2023.
[2023-03-31] Two papers (video object segmentation, instance segmentation) are accepted by the 2nd PVUW Workshop, CVPR 2023.
[2022-10-11] We won the 2nd place of BDD100K Multiple Object Tracking in the 2nd SSLAD Workshop, ECCV 2022.
[2022-10-08] We won the 1st place of Corner Case Detection in the 2nd SSLAD Workshop, ECCV 2022.
[2022-06-19] We won the 5th place of Video Object Segmentation in the 4th Youtube-VOS Workshop, CVPR 2022.
[2021-10-14] Code for IJCAI'21 SGNet are released [Code].
[2021-10-14] Code for T-IP'21 PurNet are released [Code].
[2021-10-13] Dataset and code for ICME'21 task-driven SOD (TSOD) are released [Project].
[2021-07-04] One paper on foreground object segmentation is accepted by T-IP 2021.
[2021-04-30] One paper on lane detection is accepted by IJCAI 2021.
[2021-03-06] One paper on task-driven SOD is accepted as oral paper by ICME 2021.
[2020-02-17] I join Meituan as an algorithm engineer.
[2019-12-10] I pass my Master Dissertation defense.
[2019-11-19] One paper on 360$^\circ$ SOD is accepted by J-STSP 2020.
[2019-07-22] One paper on boundary-aware SOD is accepted by ICCV 2019.
In 2020-2023, I worked as an algorithm engineer at Meituan (北斗计划).
I obtained my Master's degree (CS) in State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, SCSE, Beihang University (BUAA), adviced by Prof. Jia Li [CVTEAM], in Jan. 2020. From 2018 to 2019, I worked as research assistant at Peng Cheng Laboratory.