
[2024-02-26] One paper on semi-supervised learning is accepted by CVPR 2024.

[2023-06-12] We won the 1st place of Panoptic Segmentation & 1st place of Semantic Segmentation in the ACDC Workshop, CVPR 2023.

[2023-06-09] We won the 3rd place of Video Panoptic Segmentation in the 2nd PVUW Workshop, CVPR 2023.

[2023-03-31] Two papers (video object segmentation, instance segmentation) are accepted by the 2nd PVUW Workshop, CVPR 2023.

[2022-10-11] We won the 2nd place of BDD100K Multiple Object Tracking in the 2nd SSLAD Workshop, ECCV 2022.

[2022-10-08] We won the 1st place of Corner Case Detection in the 2nd SSLAD Workshop, ECCV 2022.

[2022-06-19] We won the 5th place of Video Object Segmentation in the 4th Youtube-VOS Workshop, CVPR 2022.

[2021-10-14] Code for IJCAI'21 SGNet are released [Code].

[2021-10-14] Code for T-IP'21 PurNet are released [Code].

[2021-10-13] Dataset and code for ICME'21 task-driven SOD (TSOD) are released [Project].

[2021-07-04] One paper on foreground object segmentation is accepted by T-IP 2021.

[2021-04-30] One paper on lane detection is accepted by IJCAI 2021.

[2021-03-06] One paper on task-driven SOD is accepted as oral paper by ICME 2021.

[2020-02-17] I join Meituan as an algorithm engineer.

[2019-12-10] I pass my Master Dissertation defense.

[2019-11-19] One paper on 360$^\circ$ SOD is accepted by J-STSP 2020.

[2019-07-22] One paper on boundary-aware SOD is accepted by ICCV 2019.


In 2020-2023, I worked as an algorithm engineer at Meituan (北斗计划).

I obtained my Master's degree (CS) in State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, SCSE, Beihang University (BUAA), adviced by Prof. Jia Li [CVTEAM], in Jan. 2020. From 2018 to 2019, I worked as research assistant at Peng Cheng Laboratory.

Research Interests

Technical Reports

Text2Street: Controllable Text-to-image Generation for Street Views

Jinming Su*, Songen Gu*, Yiting Duan, Xingyue Chen and Junfeng Luo

InsCon:Instance Consistency Feature Representation via Self-Supervised Learning.

Junwei Yang, Ke Zhang, Zhaolin Cui, Jinming Su, Junfeng Luo and Xiaolin Wei

Exploring Reciprocal Attention for Salient Object Detection by Cooperative Learning.

Changqun Xia, Jia Li, Jinming Su and Yonghong Tian.

Learning a saliency evaluation metric using crowdsourced perceptual judgments.

Changqun Xia, Jia Li, Jinming Su and Ali Borji.


BEM: Balanced and Entropy-based Mix for Long-Tailed Semi-Supervised Learning.

Hongwei Zheng, Linyuan Zhou, Han Li, Jinming Su, Xiaoming Wei and Xiaoming Xu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024. [CCF-A] [PDF] [arXiv]

Motion-state Alignment for Video Semantic Segmentation.

Jinming Su*, Ruihong Yin*, Shuaibin Zhang and Junfeng Luo.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023. [CCF-A, Workshop Paper] [PDF] [arXiv]

Perceive, Excavate and Purify: A Novel Object Mining Framework for Instance Segmentation.

Jinming Su, Ruihong Yin, Xingyue Chen and Junfeng Luo.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023. [CCF-A, Workshop Paper] [PDF] [arXiv]

Salient Object Detection with Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity Loss.

Jia Li, Jinming Su, Mingcan, Ma, Changqun Xia and Yonghong Tian.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), 30, pp.6855-6868, 2021. [CCF-A, IF: 11.041] [PDF] [arXiv] [Github]

Structure Guided Lane Detection.

Jinming Su, Chao Chen, Ke Zhang, Junfeng Luo, Xiaoming Wei and Xiaolin Wei.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2021. [CCF-A] [arXiv] [中文解读] [Github]

Exploring Driving-aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer.

Jinming Su, Changqun Xia and Jia Li.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2021. (oral) [CCF-B] [PDF] [arXiv] [Project]

Distortion-adaptive Salient Object Detection in 360$^\circ$ Omnidirectional Images.

Jia Li, Jinming Su, Changqun Xia and Yonghong Tian.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), 14(1), pp.38-48, 2020. [IF: 7.695] [PDF] [Arxiv] [Project]

Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection.

Jinming Su, Jia Li, Yu Zhang, Changqun Xia and Yonghong Tian.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019. [CCF-A] [PDF] [Project]

Selected Competitions

Selected Honors and Awards

Services and Activities

Former Interns