Recently, general salient object detection (SOD) has made great progress with the rapid development of deep neural networks. However, task-aware SOD has hardly been studied due to the lack of task-specific datasets. In this paper, we construct a driving task-oriented dataset where pixel-level masks of salient objects have been annotated. Comparing with general SOD datasets, we find that the cross-domain knowledge difference and task-specific scene gap are two main challenges to focus the salient objects when driving. Inspired by these findings, we proposed a baseline model for the driving task-aware SOD via a knowledge transfer convolutional neural network. In this network, we construct an attention-based knowledge transfer module to make up the knowledge difference. In addition, an efficient boundary-aware feature decoding module is introduced to perform fine feature decoding for objects in the complex task-specific scenes. The whole network integrates the knowledge transfer and feature decoding modules in a progressive manner. Experiments show that the proposed dataset is very challenging, and the proposed method outperforms 12 state-of-the-art methods on the dataset, which facilitates the development of task-aware SOD.
Comparisons of the conventional and task-specific SOD dataset. Images and ground-truth masks of the (a) conventional dataset and (b) task-specific dataset are from DUT-OMRON and CitySaliency, respectively.
The framework of the baseline. We first extract the general knowledge by common SOD methods, and then the extracted knowledge is transferred to the task-specific knowledge by an attention-based knowledge transfer module (AKT) to deal with the cross-domain knowledge difference. After that, the task-specific knowledge is decoded by a boundary-aware feature decoding module (BFD) in a progressive manner to detect task-specific salient objects.
Performance of 13 state-of-the-art models before and after fine-tuning on CitySaliency. Note that ''R3Net'' and ''DSS'' are armed with Dense CRF. The best three results are in red, green and blue fonts.
Representative examples of the state-of-the-art methods and our approach after being fine-tuned.
[Dataset] code: 3j5r
[Results on CitySaliency testing set] code: 495k
[Model] code: m13w
Jinming Su, Changqun Xia and Jia Li. Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer. In ICME, 2021.
@inproceedings{su2021exploring, title={Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer}, author={Su, Jinming and Xia, Changqun and Li, Jia}, booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)}, pages={1--6}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }